American Literary Review welcomes submissions of previously unpublished poems, short stories, and essays. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable if noted in your cover letter. Please note that all submissions will be considered for online publication only.

  • We are now open for general submissions in poetry and essays. The general submission window will close on December 1 to give our staff time to catch up on reading. We will then reopen January 1 and remain open till May 1. 
  • We have reached our submission cap for fiction. General fiction submissions will reopen October 1. Fiction Contest submissions will open June 1.
  • The reading period for our American Literary Awards Contests is open from June 1-Oct. 1. 
  • Regular submissions can be sent to us here for a fee of $3. Contest submissions require a $15 entry fee.
  • Why the $3 fee? This is not a reading fee but simply meant to cover the administrative and IT costs associated with our online submissions system.

With the exception of Flash Flood submissions, we do not accept submissions via email or via postal mail. We also do not accept any previously published work, including online publication and “revised” or altered versions of stories, poems, or essays. Unsolicited manuscripts received outside the reading period will be returned unread.

Please note that all current students and students who have graduated within three years from the University of North Texas are ineligible to submit to ALR.

To withdraw single poems, please send a note via Submittable.

We do no consider edits to work once it has been submitted, so please send only finished pieces.

We respond to submissions in approximately three to six months. Please do not query about the status of your submission until six months have passed.

To request a submission fee waiver, email

For Flash Flood submission guidelines, please visit


Submit only one story at a time. ALR seeks distinctive, character-driven stories. We have no set maximum for length, but stories under 8,000 words have the best chance of publication. We generally avoid novel excerpts unless they can stand alone as stories.

Short fiction submitted for publication in the ALR must:

  • be double-spaced
  • have the author’s name, address, and phone number on the first page


Submit up to five poems at a time. Poetry selections are made by a widely-read group with eclectic tastes who look for the best poems, regardless of form or subject matter.

Poetry submitted for publication in the ALR must:

  • be accompanied by a cover letter with the author’s name, address, and phone number


Submit only one work at a time. We welcome essays in all forms, including flash, and we are interested in both traditional essays and ones that push the boundaries of the genre. We prefer submissions shorter than 4,000 words.

Essays submitted for publication in the ALR must:

  • be accompanied with a brief cover letter including the essay’s word count


We do not publish unsolicited book reviews at this time. The editors and their associates regularly prepare a section of short book evaluations, selectively treating recent publications.

Ends on $15.00

One work of fiction per entry, limit 8,000 words per work. Do not include any identifying information in the uploaded document except for the title of the work. All work should be previously unpublished. 

Ends on $15.00

Entry fee covers up to three poems. Please include them all in a single document. Do not include any identifying information in the uploaded document except for the title of the poem(s). All work should be previously unpublished. 

Ends on $15.00

One work per entry, limit 6,000 words per work. Do not include any identifying information in the uploaded document except for the title of the work. All work should be previously unpublished. 

Ends on

We are looking for art to feature on the title page of our online literary journal. Please send 5-10 original images in a standard web-readable format (we prefer JPEG) and an artist statement. Each piece should have a title. 

Recent featured artists include Benjamin Statser, Chris Lael Larson, Oscar J. Gillespie, and Mihee Nahm. 


American Literary Review